Become a member
or volunteer
at Chez-nous solidaire

benevoles Chez-nous solidaire

Get involved in our cause




Contact information
Check if you are renewing your membership

Founding member, Chez-nous Solidaire

Anyone who has signed the request for the constitution of Chez-Nous Solidaire as an NPO. They can attend general assemblies and are entitled to one vote per applicant or tenant.

Active member, Chez-Nous Solidaire

The parents or the legal representative of the person who resides on the premises of Chez-Nous Solidaire. They can attend general assemblies and are entitled to one vote per applicant or tenant.

External member, Chez-Nous Solidaire

Any person or reputable organization concerned or interested in the organization’s mission. They can attend general assemblies and are entitled to one vote.

User member, Chez-Nous Solidaire

The disabled tenants can attend general assemblies but have no voting rights.

Supportive member, Chez-Nous Solidaire

Any reputable person concerned or interested in the organization’s mission. They can attend the general assemblies but have no voting rights.

Become volunteers

The construction of CHEZ-NOUS SOLIDAIRE housing is based on volunteer involvement. Your hidden talents can be put to use so that this project sees the light of day. Your involvement, however minimal, would be greatly appreciated.

Your hidden talents ...for our collective project

Contact informations

Contact us
